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A Note from the publisher


Thank you for buying this amazing game! The whole "Firelord Quality Games" development team would like to thank you! With your generous donation they can pay half a beer and share it tonight in the pub!

The story so far


Blind test pilot Captain Peter "Maverick Dangerous" Pan has purposely dodged an advancement in rank to continue flying after thirty-six years of service. One day, Maverick Dangerous is summoned to be put in charge of training a group of Top Gun graduates for a specialized mission under the orders of his fellow naval aviator friend and former rival, Admiral Tom "Kazan Dibi" Cruise, who is the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,a decorated war hero and the proud owner of a Huawei mobile phone. Among them is Lieutenant Brad "Candy Candy" Pit, the son of Maverick's best friend Dick "Tiny" Small.

When Maverick Dangerous arrives, he is told by his commanding officers that the elite group of Top Gun pilots has been assembled for a special mission against a nameless hostile mountainous nation, called the "Mountainoobs" that has started to make facilities for cheap IPhone Clones, with the intent to sell them in the United States. The assembled team under Maverick Dangerous is charged with the duty of preemptively destroying the I-Phone clone facility in spite of its highly peculiar location deep inside a mountainous canyon protected by multiple SAM and FRED missile sites. Maverick meets the team of elite pilots, who greet him coldly. One of them, Jake "Sport Billy" Thesnake, cynically keeps his distance from the other pilots, including Maverick Dangerous. There is high tension between Maverick Dangerous, Candy Candy and Sport Billy when they meet, which at times breaks out into vented hostility and an almost thumb-fingerfight between Sport Billy and Candy Candy after the latter talks about Candy Candy's father and the circumstances that led to his divorse. When the training begins and the pilots see Maverick Dangerous's skills while flying blind during training dogfights, the other pilots begin to re-assess their skepticism about Maverick Dangerous and most of them grow to appreciate Maverick Dangerous's talent for air combat.

Now that you understood the backstory you may read the introduction to the game!



In this game you take the role of Blind Test Pilot Peter "Maverick Dangerous" Pan! You had become famous in the aviation world after your succesful take off* and your flying** of a plane while blind. You also had tried to become a pilot to an unmanned plane by dressing as a woman but that didn't work! 

You now find yourself inside an F35 Assault plane and try to impress young cadets.

How to Play


You will need a computer and a monitor/tv switched on to play this game!

You will also need a keyboard.

The game can also be played using an emulator but you will loose the realistic retro effect that an actual retro computer offers!

Also, VR-glasses are optional since they are not needed nor used in the game!



You play with the usual commands : E,W,S,N 

During flight you do the usual things that any normal pilot would do : "Drop Bomb", "Fire Missile" etc

Manoveurs : If you are attacked you can avoid missiles with commands like "failing leaf","Reverse turn" etc.

Game Features


- It is a new kind of game! Never seen before!!!

- Most action than any other game of it's kind!!!

- Best graphics of any other game of it's kind!!!

- Includes the BEST and latest fighter planes and ground defence systems of the world!!! ***  

- It is the first game that you can perform some of the most difficult manoveurs to avoid enemy fire -or to impress your girlfriend/wife/kid that is sitting next to you watching you play!!!

- Combines gameplay of "1942","Three Weeks In Paradise","F-16 Combat Pilot","Fighter Bomber","Blind Flight Simulator","Rampage","City Bomber" and "Denis through the Drinking Glass" in a single game!!!

- Includes plane manoveurs never seen in ANY flight simulator!!!

- It is the game ported to the most retro computers (ZX,C64,CPC,AMIGA,MSX2,ATARI ST,Amstrad PC)!!!

- It's the game with the most "!!!" in it's feature descriptions!!!



Q1: The game will not start!

A1: Is the computer plugged in? You should see a cable that starts from your computer and ends somewhere in the wall.

Q2: The computer is plugged but I see nothing on the screen/monitor/tv.

A2: This is usually cause by i) You're looking at the wrong monitor/tv (this is the case when you have more than one screens in the room), ii) The monitor/TV is not plugged in the wall (see Q1) , iii) the monitor is not connected to the computer: please connect it!

Q3: I can't play the game!

A3: Please, ask someone near you to try and play the game. If he/she can play it then it is your problem.If he/she also can't play then you should ask a third person to try and play. You should repeat these steps until you find someone who can play the game.

Q4: Do I need to be a licenced fighter plane pilot to play this game?

A4: NO! We are happy to say that you can play the game even if you're not a certified pilot. You might find the game easier if you are a rocket or a nuclear scientist!

Q5: I have no other questions. Thank you

A5: Thank you too! I can go now and have a frappe coffee  in a beach bar!

Systems Supported 


The systems are those that  DAADReady supports. 

- ZX Spectrum 48k Tape

- ZX Spectrum 128k Tape

- ZX Spectrum 128k Plus3

- ZX Spectrum Next

- ZX Spectrum Uno

- ZX Spectrum ESXDOS

- ZX Spectrum C64 (I mean Commodore 64)

- Commodore Amiga

- Atari ST

- Amstrad CPC

- CPC Plus 4

- PCW 1541 CP/M

- MSX 2



- Every problem might have more than one solution!

- Shoot for the moon. Even if you fail, you’ll land among the stars.

- Impossible is a word found only in the dictionary of fools.

- If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.

- It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends

- If you like tips, you can leave a tip by paying the source code :)


* See the award winning Sinclair/Spectrum Blind Flight Simulator 

** See the award winning Sinclair/Spectrum Blind Flight Simulator 2 : Flying The Plane

*** Note: We have special permission from the USA State Department and the Russian Department to put F-35 planes and S-500 defence system in the same place!!!





The game started in Adventuron Classroom and then development moved entirelly to DAADReady (my main target was the ZX Spectrum for the CSSCGCompetition).

I'll upload the source for the Adventuron Classroom at some point (but it will lack some stuff)


Game Review (CSSCGC 2022) :



* The images/memes/fake paper articles included were used in the presentation of the game during the contest to increase the crapness factor of this game.

* You will need a spectrum emulator  to run this game (or the correct emulator if you try a file from! Just open the TAP/SNA/Z80/TZX file from within the emulator. (Eg. You can visit press F9 and then select OPEN)

** This is a Crap Games Competition entry. It was never meant to be a serious game! You were warned! :)

*** You can find the source code for free in many ways!


You can play/try online the game here (from ):


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

TopGun2MaverickDangerous_MANUAL.txt 6.2 kB
TopGun2_48k_FULL.TAP 31 kB
other-system-versions_list.txt 300 bytes 237 kB 491 kB
TopGun2MaverickDangerous_MANUAL.pdf 23 kB
TopGun2RC6m_DAAD_SOURCE_ver06m_ORIG_-ZX48_AMIGA_ATARIST__C64__UNO__NEXT___ByFire 61 kB
if you pay 0.50€ EUR or more
TopGun2RC6m_DAAD_SOURCE_ver06m_zx128plus3__ZX128TAPE__MSX2_ByFirelord.DSF 61 kB
if you pay 0.50€ EUR or more
CSSCGC-TopGun2-AdventuronSourceCode-RC05b-ASCIIairccarrier(OLD).txt 38 kB
if you pay 0.50€ EUR or more

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Game Review (CSSCGC 2022) can be found here :